þriðjudagur, 14. ágúst 2012

Free Video and Audio Players for Web

Videos always speak louder than words, as is usually the case, audience do prefer information in audio, or images and audio together-video, rather than lengthy words. The truth is that an increasing number of people are applying videos in their websites or blogs for better results. If you’re looking for some free video players for your websites, then the collection below may probably help you.
  • Video player
Mainly designed for the use of site owners, developers, hobbyists, businesses and programmers, Flowplayer is an open source video player for your website.
Video player-Flowplayer
There are four amazing features available: the design, streaming, essentials and analytics.
“Design” means that it is skinnable-you can decide your own design by changing colors, transparency, etc. Images, your logo, can also be added to it. And with a splash image, your videos in the website will be much smoother.
“Streaming” suggests that Flowplayer could be HD quality when internet connection is in good condition, if not, snappier version is shown. You can also jump to any part of the video without awaiting the loading of the player. In addition, fast forward/backward or slow forward/backward can all be done in this player. Moreover, it supports almost all servers and networks, which is really a stunning feature.
“Essential” sharing button ensures your video, websites to be viewed widely.
“Analytics” you can monitor your views from Google Analytics.
  • Audio players 
Although being as a Wordpress plugin, WP Audio Player can also be used in other non-wordpress website for playing mp3 audio files. With it you can play the mp3 file directly in your post without any trouble since it’s quite easy to use and customize.
Audio player-Wordpress audio player
XSPF Web Music Player is a flash-based web application that uses xspf playlist format to play mp3 songs. May this player is a little out now, but it may help you promote your website freely. Below is a tutorial I found from YouTube, hope this helps:
Well, you can try these free video and audio players for your website. They will absolutely make your websites, blogs popular if you are interested in sharing information with people.

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